Promoting, developing, and sustaining public and private community engagement and collaborative efforts to improve outcomes for Veterans, families, caregivers and survivors.

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Madison Peer Game Night presented by “The V”


Tuesday, February 27,  5:00 pm – 8:00 pm

VFW Post 1318, 2740 Ski Lane, Madison


The Madison Peers are excited to connect and introduce themselves, explain their services, and explore opportunities for collaboration. The V will be offering its usual Taco Tuesday specials.



RAND: Insights from Student Veterans Who Are Single Parents


Financial strain, schedule overload, and psychological stress are just some of the struggles single parents can face when returning to school. But what do those challenges look like if the single-parent student is also a veteran? RAND researchers partnered with the Student Veterans of America and conducted semi-structured interviews with ten veteran single parents who are enrolled in higher education and one nonveteran school administrator who is dedicated to supporting student veterans.


Veteran single parents are more likely than veteran coupled parents to be enrolled in higher education. The interviews with veteran single parents who are pursuing higher education suggest that this population faces significant barriers to fully benefiting from G.I. Bill assistance. These insights, along with a better understanding of the challenges that veteran single parents face more generally, suggest recommendations to improve the quality of life and prospects for this population.

GAO: Opportunities Exist to Further Meet Student Veterans’ Mental Health Needs


Research suggests that student veterans are more likely to suffer from mental health challenges, including depression and anxiety, than other students. To help, the Veterans Health Administration partners with some colleges and universities to provide campus-based mental health care and other support for student veterans.


VA data showed that the percentage of student veterans who received mental health care at VA facilities increased from fiscal years 2017 through 2022, and at a higher rate than that of the total veteran population.


VA administers the Veterans Integration to Academic Leadership program to support the mental health needs of student veterans. Under this voluntary program, VA health care systems—including medical centers and other facilities—can partner with local colleges and universities to provide campus-based mental health support to student veterans. As of October 2023, 32 of 139 health care systems have such programs. However, GAO found VA does not communicate comprehensive information to its health care systems to help them consider when and how to implement programs, such as the types of staffing needed.