State and County Agencies

Find pertinent government agencies that work with Veterans and their advocates.


Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs

The WDVA provides grants and a variety of services to eligible Wisconsin veterans and their families. Programs included in the depart​​ment’s mission are the: Wisconsin Veterans Homes, Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemeteries, Veterans Administration Regional Claims Office, Military Funeral Honors Program, Veterans Assistance Program and the Wisconsin Veterans Museum. These programs are designed to provide health, educational assistance, economic assistance and other services to specified veterans of the armed forces of the United States.


The Department of Health Services

DHS is committed to protecting and promoting the health and safety of the people of Wisconsin, making sure everyone can live their best life. DHS oversees Medicaid, the single largest program in the state budget, and other health and social service programs. DHS works with local and tribal health departments, health care providers, community partners, and others to provide alcohol and other drug abuse prevention, mental health, public health, implementation of long-term care, disability determination, regulation of state nursing homes, and numerous other programs that aid and protect Wisconsinites.


Dane County Veterans Service Office

The Dane County Veterans Service Office (CVSO) mission is to assist Dane County veterans and their families with obtaining local, state, and federal veterans benefits. Whether you need help determining benefit eligibility or support in completing an application, CVSO is available to provide the assistance you need. The Dane County Veterans Service Office is committed to customer service and advocacy as veterans seek out eligible benefit entitlements.